

Visitors are welcome to Lakeside Living

All visitors must

  • sign in on entry and complete the attestation
  • have a negative COVID RAT test
  • All visitors MUST wear an N95 mask at all times and it is not to be removed whilst in the facility
  • Maintain 1.5m social distancing
  • Sanitise hands on entry and exit

Please don't visit if you are unwell, COVID positive or a close household contact of a COVID positive person.

We are also asking the community to do their part to help stop the spread of COVID. Please get vaccinated, test and stay at home if you have symptoms, and wear a mask when in public. Take these steps to protect yourself and your loved ones who are at-risk of more serious illness from COVID.”

If you have any queries or concerns, please do not hesitate to reach out to us. You can email Joseph Bermudo at, or call 5585 9847.

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